A narrow opening, slit, or groove, usually for receiving something such as a coin or a letter. Also: (sports) an unmarked area in front of the goal between the face-off circles on an ice hockey rink. (idiom) To assign or schedule someone or something to a slot: I can slot you in at 2 pm. (idiom) To place or insert something into a slot: She slotted the filter into the machine.
The slot on the top of a typewriter or other writing apparatus that receives the paper to form characters and words. The term can also refer to the space in a computer or video game that holds the reels.
In a casino, the slot through which coins or cards are inserted to play a machine. A female silhouette often decorates the slot on a machine, giving rise to the term “sloot” as a euphemism for a casino machine, especially when used in conjunction with a win.
In the context of airline traffic, a time allocation for an aircraft to land at an airport during constrained times. These slots are allocated by EUROCONTROL as part of its flow management role. They have been instrumental in reducing delays, minimizing fuel burn and delivering environmental benefits. Airlines can purchase slots by paying a fee, or they can be awarded them in a competition. Using multiple scenarios within the same slot could produce unpredictable results. Therefore, it is recommended that you use only one scenario per slot for offer management.